
Check out the Directus Files documentation.


Search for files, global search querys can be used.

<script setup>const { getFiles } = useDirectusFiles();const router = useRouter();const fetchFiles = async () => {  const files = await getFiles({    params: {      { content: "testcontent", title: "Test1" },    },  });};</script>
Check out Files Type Definitions or to add typescript support here.


Generate image url from file id
Directus will generate the image with the given parameters on the server and deliver you an optimized image

<template>  <div>    <img :src="img(fileId)" alt="original" />    <img      :src="img(fileId, { width: 300, height: 300, fit: 'cover' })"      alt="square"    />    <img :src="img(fileId, { width: 300, format: 'webp' })" alt="webp" />  </div></template><script setup>const fileId = "5e47b7e6-fd78-400c-821f-0dca4a176f4f";const { getThumbnail: img } = useDirectusFiles();</script>
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